Saturday, July 25, 2009


The other day I was craving something sweet but I didn't want any junk food so I looked at what I had in the pantry, I had a can of pumpkin so I figured I would make pumpkin bread or muffins well I ended up coming across something I had never had before so I decided to give it a try. I found a recipe for Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies(Vegan). Let me tell you OMG these things are delicious they were so easy to make I also posted the recipe below for those of you who don't want to click the link lol.

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies (vegan)

prep time: 15 minutes cooking time: 32 minutes makes 4 dozen cookies

2 cups flour
1 1/3 cups rolled oats
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 2/3 cups sugar
2/3 cup canola oil
2 tablespoons molasses
1 cup canned pumpkin, or cooked pureed pumpkin
1 teaspoon vanilla
optional: 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds (for a chewier texture)
1 cup walnuts, finely chopped
1/2 cup raisins

Preheat oven to 350.
Have ready 2 greased baking sheets.
Mix together flour, oats, baking soda, salt and spices.

In a separate bowl, mix together sugar, oil, molasses, pumpkin and vanilla (and flax seeds if using) until very well combined. Add dry ingredients to wet in 3 batches, folding to combine. Fold in walnuts and raisins.

Drop by tablespoons onto greased cookie sheets. They don't spread very much so they can be placed only an inch apart. Flatten the tops of the cookies with a fork or with your fingers, to press into cookie shape. Bake for 16 minutes at 350. If you are using two sheets of cookies on 2 levels of your oven, rotate the sheets halfway through for even baking. You'll have enough batter for 4 trays.

Remove from oven and get cookies onto a wire rack to cool. These taste best when they've had some time to cool and set. They taste even better the next day!

***Now I made a few changes to the recipe I omitted the raisins not because I don't like them but well I didn't have any at the time but the next time I make these I will try them with raisins. I also used Flax Seed Oil instead of Flax Seeds because its all I had on hand at the time I really couldn't taste anything out of the ordinary. The only way I can describe the taste of these cookies is its like gingerbread with a hint of pumpkin. While he was out I asked AG to pick up some Almond milk I heard about it on this new(well new to me) show I caught the other day. I will save that for the next post.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thinking back..

Morning fellow bloggers I hope you are all well this Sunday morning. I love being up this early its so nice & quiet outside all you can hear are the birds ahh I love this time of day. I like being able to sit somewhere that is quiet it helps to get all my thoughts in order I swear sometimes I feel like my thoughts are going a mile a minute. So I will say I am feeling alot better now I have the occasional cough but its nothing major. For the past few weeks I have had one thing on my mind everytime I eat something healthy, think about things I want to do when I finally lose weight or look at myself in the mirror the first question I think of is "Can I really undo all the years of damage that I've done to my body" ? Is it even a possible feat at this point in my life ? I guess the only way I will know if I can do it is to try right ?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are You Kidding Me ??

I am a feeling a bit down in the dumps at the moment & there really is no one to blame not even myself for once. I was all set to get ready to start my pills & then come to find out someone else had other plans for me I woke up the next morning with chills, shakes & high fever which equals Pneumonia this is the second time in 7 months that I've had this. I seriously have the world's worst immune system so now all I am dealing with now is the cough I am still on the antibiotics they gave me so I don't want to start anything new until I am done with them. But the plus side is since I have been sick I haven't been eating a whole lot so that is good but I have been keeping up on my water but I will say I am tired of running to the bathroom lol.

I am so tired of being sick & tired all the time. I swear I spend at least 9 out of the 12 months sick either colds, flu, strep whatever I am so tired of it. I have started taking vitamins hopefully that will help. I hate being sick I get all moody, annoyed, irritated & don't want to do anything or be bothered its like I'm in a funk any idea anyone ???

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Starting New...

Morning, I hope everyone had a happy & healthy 4th yesterday. I had a good day ate pretty good didn't overeat or anything had some healthy stuff in all it was a damn good day. Now if I can only do that everyday. I am writing this post on just about an hour of sleep(ignorant neighbors) so if I come across as bitchy I apologize in advance. So referring to the title of this blog post tomorrow I start taking my Alli pills I was going to start them earlier but then I ended up with this sinus infection & was feeling like crap. I still have a bit of sinus issue but nothing like before.

I picked up this great book at the library the other day its a book by Hungry Girl called Hungry Girl: Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World I think I am going to have to buy this books there are some great recipes in there that sound pretty good actually. She also has another one out that I haven't had a chance to get from the library yet. I got a handheld massager to see if massing my back helps with the lower back pains I have also been using it on my legs to see if it helps with the Lymphodemia the Dr said massaging should help so let's hope it does walking would be alot easier if I could get this taken care of