Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are You Kidding Me ??

I am a feeling a bit down in the dumps at the moment & there really is no one to blame not even myself for once. I was all set to get ready to start my pills & then come to find out someone else had other plans for me I woke up the next morning with chills, shakes & high fever which equals Pneumonia this is the second time in 7 months that I've had this. I seriously have the world's worst immune system so now all I am dealing with now is the cough I am still on the antibiotics they gave me so I don't want to start anything new until I am done with them. But the plus side is since I have been sick I haven't been eating a whole lot so that is good but I have been keeping up on my water but I will say I am tired of running to the bathroom lol.

I am so tired of being sick & tired all the time. I swear I spend at least 9 out of the 12 months sick either colds, flu, strep whatever I am so tired of it. I have started taking vitamins hopefully that will help. I hate being sick I get all moody, annoyed, irritated & don't want to do anything or be bothered its like I'm in a funk any idea anyone ???


jo said...

I'm sorry. I had pneumonia last summer and it was miserable.

Rest helped, then I started taking vitamins. Then I started losing weight.

Knock on wood, I haven't had anything for months.

When you're feeling better, go for it with gusto.

Sending fast-healing vibes your way.