Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Want It..Now I Don't...

I have a big problem & maybe you all can help me with it. I have a tendency to buy sweets & then I end up not eating them. Its not that I end up feeling guilty its that I end up not wanting it. A few days ago I was craving something sweet so I had AG pick me up a Hershey's bar well I ended up giving it to him last night. I had it for 2 days before I even thought about wanting it & in the end I didn't anymore. I don't know if this has anything to do with my diabetes or if I just can't make up my mind. I have been known to buy something & find it a few months later having totally forgot about it. I have tried not buy sweet stuff but it never works for very long.

I have to start getting in some movement here exercise wise I need to find something that doesn't aggravate my back & make my sciatic nerve hurt more then it does. If anyone has any ideas let me know. I am now combating insomnia yet again but hopefully since I am back to eating like I should be it will eventually correct itself. I had something else I wanted to talk about but I can't remember what it is hmm I wonder if healthy eating can improve your memory ??

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I just realized its been 2 weeks today since I last posted geesh time flies by doesn't it. I had planned on blogging last week but we had some visitors & well I needed time to recoup not from all the fun mind you just from all the drama. AG's parents decided to drive up here this week in their RV & stay awhile. I love when his parents come to visit his family is great to be around but & yes this is a big BUT don't ever bring up weight loss around his mom. Which is why I didn't talk about it the whole time they were here. His mom has had the stomach surgery twice now due to her not being able to deal with her eating & sadly if she keeps going the way she is she is going to need it again.

Whenever anyone talks about wanting to lose weight she will go off on a tangent about how she would be skinnier if it wasn't for AG's dad sabotaging her & by that she means he would bring stuff in the house to put in his lunches for work & even though he would hide it she wouldn't stop looking until she found it finally he just gave up & kept it at work in his desk. She would also wait for him to go to bed at night & eat then go to bed. She has this irritating habit of telling people what they should & shouldn't eat she has even went as far as trying to change people's orders if they are out eating somewhere. But if you even think of questioning what she is having its the beginning of a war & an argument starting with don't tell me or question me about what I am eating.

They eat out alot at home because she won't cook & when AG's dad tries to she starts a fight about how he is making it I will say the man is a damn good cook. I have come to the realization that my stomach can't handle fried foods no matter what it is if its fried it makes my stomach hurt like hell. We finally invested in a George Foreman & OMG I love it makes cooking so much easier. So on the diet front things are going ok I just need to remember to stay on track & get my water in alot more then I have been especially with it being so hot lately. I think that is all for now going to go read & relax.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time To Pay The Piper...

As I sit here writing this I feel like crap. My sinuses are driving me crazy but that is only a small part of why I feel like crap. I feel like crap due to the fact I have been eating like crap lately. For the past 3 days at least once a day I have been sick to my stomach I honestly think its my body telling me I need to start taking care of myself seriously. I am feeling all sluggish and yucky All the energy & good sleep I was getting when I was eating healthy has been replaced by all day yawns & broken sleep.

I am not sure if I have mentioned this before but I am going to start the Alli weight loss plan here soon I want to wait until I go & do some major grocery shopping so I can have everything I need here when I start. I am thinking about trying tofu the only bad thing I have heard is that it has no taste but I think that is my next new food to try. I am really enjoying cottage cheese alot need to find something else to do with it maybe put it in some salad or something . If any of you ave tried tofu let me know how you liked it or if you didn't heck let me know if you have any recipes I would love to try them.