Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So you are probably reading the title & thinking WTF is she talking about but I am sure at least one person out there knows what these initials stand for but for those of you who don't let me clue you in. WW=Weight Watchers, JC=Jenny Craig & NS=Nutri System. I have been seeing these commericals alot more lately or maybe its just me. But anyways I have been thinking about joining one of them. I don't know anyone who has been on WW or JC but I know 2 people who have tried Nutri System. One person actually lost a fair amount of weight their only complaint was having to shop for food to supplement what they got from NS & the other person who I think lost a little weight said the food was nasty.

Either way after looking at them they are all way to expensive for me a the moment so back to trying to figure this all on my own which actually maybe its what I need. I need to be hands on with this and learn for myself what I should & shouldn't be eating & how much of it I should be eating. Do any of you have any trick you use to fight the battle of the bulge ? If so let me know I would greatly appreciate any info whether it be books you have read or whatever no information will be refused.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


That is how I have been feeling lately. It's time to be honest here I really feel like I am going to be this big for the rest of my life(which won't be very long if I don't do something soon). Two weeks ago I turned 30 since then I have been in a funk I guess you could call it. I feel like I don't know what the hell I am doing anymore. I had a great birthday me & AG celebrated here at home we had a nice time. He got me the Wii game Wii Resort. I have to say I suck at table tennis.

There are so many things I want to do with my life & my weight seems to be in the way. I would love to get up & go for a walk without having to stop every 5 min, not from having trouble breathing but from the pain in my back & legs the swelling in my thighs from the lymphdemia isn't helping either. I need to buy a scale I can't just get one at the store I need one what goes up to at least 500lbs I don't think I am that big but I would rather be safe then sorry. I wish I had people around me who were in my situation to talk to I don't have many female friends & the ones I do have don't seem to think they have weight problems to talking to them is like talking to the walls & well most men aren't up for talking about weight loss so here I am . I talk to AG about it but he isn't overweight & never has been so it's not the same(I hope that makes sense).

I wonder if they have online chat groups for things like that if any of you all know of any please let me know maybe talking to people in the same boat as me will help alot. I am going to try & find my way out of this funk I am in I hate feeling like this it sucks.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I Been A Farming....

Well the title of this post is a little misleading I haven't been farming due to the fact well I don't have a farm but I do have some fruits & veggies from the Farmers Market lol. I got alot of stuff that I have never heard of but its fun to try new things. I got some kale, lettuce, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, raspberries, boysenberries(which i've never had before), spinach, (never had it raw just out of the can), Kohlrabi(never had before), doughnut peaches & pluots(i've never had either of these either). I must admit I dived into the peaches, pluots & boysenberries the day I got them lol I still have alot left over though. But oh my god they are all so freaking good especially the peaches I am not a fan of regular peaches I never have been but I am hooked on these go figure. I love the idea of supposrting local business & farms this way it sucks that this market closes in Sept but I think there maybe a few more still open till Halloween. I think this year we will go to a pumpkin farm to get our pumpkin.