Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So you are probably reading the title & thinking WTF is she talking about but I am sure at least one person out there knows what these initials stand for but for those of you who don't let me clue you in. WW=Weight Watchers, JC=Jenny Craig & NS=Nutri System. I have been seeing these commericals alot more lately or maybe its just me. But anyways I have been thinking about joining one of them. I don't know anyone who has been on WW or JC but I know 2 people who have tried Nutri System. One person actually lost a fair amount of weight their only complaint was having to shop for food to supplement what they got from NS & the other person who I think lost a little weight said the food was nasty.

Either way after looking at them they are all way to expensive for me a the moment so back to trying to figure this all on my own which actually maybe its what I need. I need to be hands on with this and learn for myself what I should & shouldn't be eating & how much of it I should be eating. Do any of you have any trick you use to fight the battle of the bulge ? If so let me know I would greatly appreciate any info whether it be books you have read or whatever no information will be refused.


that TOPS lady said...

I was given some nutrisystem food and I threw it in the trash because yes, it was NASTY with a capital N. yuck! So, yeah, don't feel bad that you can't afford it.

When I lose weight the best, it is when I journal my food, counting every calorie and not going over my allotment (I can lose weight with the calorie allotment of my weight times 12, minus 750), doing a little bit of exercise 6 days of week (just do what you can, no matter how little),drinking as much water as I can and making sure I have fruits and veggies every day.